Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mixed feelings

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Ten more pounds will be even better! Oh ya and I got a new bodybugg...I'm not too bright and got in a hot tub with my other one...yeeeeeahhh not waterproof. ;)
This time I think the biggest change is on the "backside" picture. I can tell I've lost a lot of weight in my love handles (duh) and also in my upper back.
Well taking these pictures makes me feel a little better. But I'm in a bad mood ecause I haven't been able to run in a week. My siatic nerve has been bothering me since I had Eli, but in the last week it has been consistent pain and I can barely walk let alone run OR do classes or even have a good workout. So that's gotten me really down. My 5k is in two weeks and I don't even know if I could walk it. I have a ticket out to Salt Lake, but I might have to re-book it for May and just run the Running with Angels 5k. But hopefully with some physical therapy, yoga, and stretching (I've been trying that tho) I'll be able to get it worked out. It's so frustrating....!!!!!

I have a lot more to say but I'd better get in bed, I have a full day tomorrow begining with training! Yikes, go easy on me Mike I can barely walk...


  1. Sarah, I am almost in tears looking at those pics. I am SO proud of you girl!! You look so so amazing! Keep it up!!

  2. Wow girl! What a difference!! That is amazing! I know you have been working super hard and i am so so proud of you!

  3. Sarah,
    Happy b-day. Keep working that weight off. Proud Mike!

  4. You are amazing! Thanks for inspiring me!!-the friend of a friend. :)


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